
Important information

Before using your system, read and follow all instructions and safety information provided in this user′s guide (″User′s Manual″). Not following precautions found in this guide can lead to an accident or other serious consequences.

Keep this guide in your vehicle

When kept in the vehicle, this guide will be a ready reference for you and other users unfamiliar with the system. Ensure that before using the system for the first time, all persons have access to this guide and read its instructions and safety information carefully.


Operating certain parts of this system while driving can distract your attention away from the road, and possibly cause an accident or other serious consequences. Do not change system settings or enter data non-verbally (using your hands) while driving. Stop the vehicle in a safe and legal manner before attempting these operations. This is important since setting up or changing some functions as you drive may distract your attention away from the road and removing your hands from the steering wheel may cause you to lose control of the vehicle.

General operation

Prolonged views of screen

Do not access any function requiring a prolonged view of the screen while you are driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting to access a function of the system requiring prolonged attention. Even short views of the screen may be hazardous if your attention has been diverted away from your driving.

Volume setting

Do not raise the volume excessively. Keep the volume at a level where you can still hear outside traffic and emergency signals while driving. Driving while unable to hear these sounds could cause an accident.