Electric vehicle (EV only)

Using the Electric vehicle menu (EV only)

You can use various features for electric vehicles, such as viewing your vehicle′s energy information or scheduling a charging of your vehicle.
Depending on the system language, this function may not be supported.

Starting the Electric vehicle menu (EV only)

On the Home screen, press All menus > EV.
  1. Display the options list.
  1. Display Off: Turn off the screen. Press the screen to turn it back on.
  2. Manual: Access the web manual via the QR code. For safety reasons, you can access the QR code only when your vehicle is stationary.
  1. View information related to energy, such as the drivable distance and battery status. > See ″Viewing energy information (EV only).″
  1. View the real-time eco-driving information (if equipped). > See ″Viewing eco-driving information (EV only).″
  1. Schedule battery chargings or customise related options. > See ″Using the charging management features (EV only).″
  1. Change the settings for electric vehicle features. > See ″Configuring the EV settings (EV only).″
Depending on the vehicle model or specifications, displayed screens and available functions may vary.

Viewing energy information (EV only)

You can view the current status of the battery, the drivable distance, and information about the charging time.
  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Energy information.
  1. View your vehicle′s energy information.
  1. Display the options list.
  1. Energy consumption: View the energy consumption of each component in your vehicle since you started the vehicle.
  2. Charging limit (DC charger): Set a target battery level for DC charging. > See ″Setting the target battery level.″
  3. Charging limit (AC charger): Set a target battery level for AC charging. > See ″Setting the target battery level.″
  4. Manual: Access the web manual via the QR code. For safety reasons, you can access the QR code only when your vehicle is stationary.
  1. View the current battery status and drivable distance. Press to access energy consumption information.
  1. View the estimated charging time and drivable distance when your vehicle is charged to the target battery amount by DC charging. Press to set the target battery level.
  1. View the estimated charging time and drivable distance when your vehicle is charged to the target battery amount by AC charging. Press to set the target battery level.
  • The drivable distance is an estimate based on the real-time energy efficiency. If your driving pattern changes, the estimated drivable distance will change accordingly.
  • Even if you set the same target battery level, the estimated drivable distance may vary depending on changes in your driving pattern.

Using the charging management features (EV only)

You can schedule battery charges or climate controls according to a preset departure time.

Setting the departure time

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Charge management > Charging and climate.
  1. Press next to Next departure.
  1. Select a departure setting option and press next to it.
  1. Set the departure time and the day of the week and press OK.

Setting up scheduled chargings

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Charge management > Charging and climate.
  1. Press Scheduled charging to activate it and press next to it.
  1. Set the off-peak electricity time and a time priority option and press OK.
  1. Off-peak tariffs prioritised: Your vehicle will charge the battery for the next departure time, primarily using the off-peak electricity time.
  2. Off-peak tariffs only: Your vehicle will charge the battery only at the off-peak electricity time.
Scheduled charging will start only if a charging cable is connected to your vehicle at the scheduled time.

Setting scheduled climate controls

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Charge management > Charging and climate.
  1. Press Target temperature to activate it and press next to it.
  1. Set a desired temperature, set whether to activate the auto defogging system, and press OK.

Setting the target battery level

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Charge management > Charging limit.
  1. Select a charger type to set the target battery level.
  1. Set the target battery level and press OK.
  • AC charging ensures the optimal battery performance for a longer period of time than DC charging.
  • When the battery amount reaches the target level, charging will stop. Charging the battery only as much as needed ensures the optimal battery performance for a longer period of time than charging the battery fully each time.

Setting the charging current

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > Charge management > AC Charging Current.
  1. Set the charging current.
  • Depending on the charging environment, the charging time may vary.
  • If you do not set an appropriate charging current, the battery may not be charged properly and it may cause a charging error.

Viewing eco-driving information (EV only)

  1. On the Home screen, press All menus > EV > EV economy.
  1. View your fuel economy information.
  1. Display the options list.
  1. Delete history: Delete your driving history.
  2. Manual: Access the web manual via the QR code. For safety reasons, you can access the QR code only when your vehicle is stationary.
  1. The record with the best energy efficiency

Configuring the EV settings (EV only)

To change the settings for electric vehicle features, on the Home screen, press All menus > EV > EV settings.
  • Winter mode: Increase the battery temperature in advance when you implement scheduled chargings or climate controls in winter time. This will enhance charging and driving performance. Using this feature drains the battery and it may shorten the drivable distance.
Depending on the vehicle model or specifications, displayed screens and available options may vary.