Phone Projection

Resolving a phone projection connection error

If phone projection cannot connect from the registered Android smartphone or iPhone, do the following to try connection again.

If your Android smartphone cannot connect, delete the Android smartphone and all devices registered from the vehicle system, and then register the devices again.

Disconnecting Bluetooth from your Android smartphone

On the Android smartphone screen, press 설정 연결 블루투스, press the settings icon next to the device to disconnect, and then press 등록 해제.

  • The displayed screen may differ depending on the device type, firmware and OS version.

Deleting a device from the vehicle system

On the Home screen, press Setup Device Connections Device Connections Delete Device(s), select the device to delete, and then press Delete Yes.

  • To delete all registered devices, press Mark All Delete.
  • If you delete a registered device, all related contacts, call logs, and text messages are removed from the system.

Registering a device again from the vehicle system

On the Home screen, press Setup Device Connections Device Connections Add New, and register your Android smartphone again.

When the Android smartphone has connected successfully, Phone Projection switches to Android Auto on the Home screen.

If your iPhone cannot connect, delete the iPhone and all devices registered from the vehicle system, and then register the devices again.

Disconnecting a vehicle from your iPhone

On the iPhone screen, press 설정 일반 CarPlay, select the vehicle to disconnect, and then press 이 자동차 지우기.

  • The displayed screen may differ depending on the device type, firmware and OS version.

Disconnecting Bluetooth from your iPhone

On the iPhone screen, press 설정 Bluetooth, press the Information button next to the device to disconnect, and then press 이 기기 지우기.

  • The displayed screen may differ depending on the device type, firmware and OS version.

Deleting a device from the vehicle system

On the Home screen, press Setup Device Connections Device Connections Delete Device(s), select the device to delete, and then press Delete Yes.

  • To delete all registered devices, press Mark All Delete.
  • If you delete a registered device, all related contacts, call logs, and text messages are removed from the system.

Registering a device again from the vehicle system

On the Home screen, press Setup Device Connections Device Connections Add New, and register the iPhone again.

When the iPhone is connected successfully, Phone Projection switches to Apple CarPlay on the Home screen.


Possible cause


The phone projection function is not performed when a smartphone is connected using a USB cable.

Phone projection is not supported.

Visit the website to check whether your smartphone supports the phone projection.

The function is inactive.

  • •  On the Home screen, navigate to Setup Device Connections and activate the connection function from the Phone Projection Settings menu.
  • •  Make sure that the phone projection is not disabled in the App settings or and not blocked-out settings on your smartphone.

Smartphone encounters poor operation or malfunction.

  • •  Check that the smartphone battery level is not too low. Recognition may not work properly when the battery level is too low.
  • •  The phone projection may not work properly when the signal strength is weak.
  • •  If the smartphone is locked, first unlock it.
  • •  Initialize the smartphone and connect the device again.

A black screen appears when the phone projection is activated or in use.

The smartphone malfunctions.

  • •  Remove the USB cable from the smartphone and connect the device again.
  • •  Initialize the smartphone and connect the device again.

Wireless phone projection connection continues to fail.

A problem with the system or smartphone

  • •  On the Home screen, navigate to Setup Device Connections, and use the Phone Projection menu to delete all connected devices.
  • •  From the Android smartphone or iPhone, delete all connected devices and then connect again.